Six Nations Rugby Championship 2020 - The Greatest Marketing Show in Town

It was disappointing for you. You invested a lot in Ireland in the Rugby World Cup and I remember you saying your nephews were swept up in the excitement of it all and thought Ireland were going to win it. More fool you though for listening to the likes of @Horsebox and @anon60384913. @gilgamboa is the man to be listening to around here when it comes to rugby matters. Apart from both playing and coaching, he’s a very astute observer of the game.

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I’ve learned my lesson… ive set up an alert for @tallback and @gilgamboa post’s on this thread.


Na I’ll stick with the soldiers song ( might be an age/ Cork thing) honestly know its nonsensical to some in this p.c. age but fuck me “Ireland’s call” na na na

I believed too easily.


They are working on it. Stockdale is playing like a lad who knows he is only keeping the jersey warm until James Lowe becomes Irish in the autumn. The problem is some of the lads bought in have been awful, summed up by Rob Herring being the best of the 3 hookers recruited from abroad. Nucifora must be under pressure now for his poor transfer dealings.


Sexton needs his plums squeezed

That @anon32894817 fellow allowed his heart rule his head when it came to sporting matters. He was predicting that his beloved Man U would win the EPL this season on the back of a pre-season friendly win in Australia, which he got up in the middle of the night to watch.

Expectations of the Ireland rugby team need to toned down now. Playing talent not there at the moment and the coaching nous of Coach Schmidt which allowed Ireland to punch above its weight for 4-5 years is gone too.


Rory Best would have loved standing for both anthems yesterday.

I wonder how your woman in Mace will react when that Sexton bottler shows up for his breakfast roll today.


Did he shit his togs yesterday?

Making a 34 year old grumpy fucker captain a really progressive, long term move by Coach Farrell.

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He made a hames of a couple of kicks I’d have just tapped over in my prime.


The Partitionist soccer set really struggle to get their heads around the protocol involved in an all island Ireland team. God Save the Queen is played as the home anthem when Ireland play in Belfast, in Ravenhill. The Soldiers Song as the home anthem when they play at Lansdowne Road or indeed anywhere else in Eire. Ireland’s Call before all matches and the only anthem played at away matches.

Guys there are bigger things than rugga

Not true sadly, there was great hurt caused to the Unionist community up here in 2007 when Ireland last played an international in Ravenhill and neither God Save the Queen was played nor the Union Jack flown. There are people within the Unionist community who have refused to recognise the Irish side since that terrible day.

Huh? I said numerous times I schidmt over achieved With the players he had and Farrell would be a disaster.


That’s more of it. Pandering to IRA/SF types over the playing of the National Anthem at Ravenhill. The playing of matches on the Sabbath though has probably done more to alienate some of the rugby community in Ulster.

You do realise Farrell wasn’t in charge for that?

Most Sinn Fein voters think celtics anthem you’ll never walk alone is probably their national anthem Ffs.