Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Nasty business. Thats a human being there.

Heā€™s not a human. Heā€™s a charity thief.

well, taking your point seriously for a secondā€¦

your Brady article spoke of how measly he is donating money through his joint foundation. The article about Wilson is about receiving money and redistributing it through charity. Taking it on face value, one is a moral issue of being a stingy cunt, the other is about misappropriation of received charity money. Iā€™d regard the latter one far, far worse. As mentioned, you could look into Bradys actual charity as there does seem to be shitty goings on there whereby the charity gives the business arm of the group money, but I couldnt be arsed reading back up on it again and I dont recall much about it. But taking charity money and only giving 25% of it back to charitable foundations is shit. It has won people in Ireland coveted TFKCOTY awards. Its an act that most people take issue of more so than a lot of other things. So yes, call Brady a cunt for being a stingy cunt. But if people call Wilson a cunt for taking charity money and using it to spend on his own ā€œcrewā€, then fuck him, heā€™s a proper cunt. The fact that he dons the religious outgoing charitable persona and won a WP MOTY award on foot of that too makes it worse again.

Wilson being a cunt stealing charity money has fuck all to do with Brady or the Patriots or what team he plays for, taking charity money for your own expenditure has always provoked this sort of reaction.

So in summary, fuck the broncos.

Hold up.

Thereā€™s no figures for how much Bradyā€™s Luz Foundation raised over the 12 years, oddly enough.

The only thing that is known is that they foundation contributed fuck all if anything, definitely lower than the percentage donated by Wilsonā€™s inept set up.

Iā€™ll let Wilson off if he comes out and days he was unaware what was going on and makes a sizeable donation to charity to make up for this.

Wilson is a horrible rotten cunt.

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When you logging out?

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Itā€™s very funny the way lads who were in their 20s and 30s decided to take up fanboing someone like Tom Brady, who is legitimately a bad person.


Brady won 6 superbowls with the Patriots and another at the bucs and your hero Elway had to cheat the salary cap to win a superbowl.

Some of us were there for the start of the journey :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

You were an adult who saw a successful team and started to support them and particularly one player.

You transitioned that support elsewhere since. All for a man who left his pregnant partner.

Ah lovely.

Stage 10 wound up.

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What a load of waffleā€¦ Why are you trying to be relevant here? Youā€™ve about as much insight into me and the great Tom as @glasagusban and @carryharry have on the Russian war in Ukraine

Just speaking truth, mate.

Brady leaving his pregnant partner because Gisele said he was good looking in the newspaper. Vile.

Did he?

We stand with Bridget


Just like my boy Tom did when he found out he was gonna be a dad.

I think Tom and Bridget will reunite

He certainly did.

Gisele should have known better herself. Brady trying to orchestrate the firing of an African American head coach in Miami so he could go play there after swearing heā€™d retire canā€™t have been a shock. Itā€™s a character thing.

This week I learned that Russell Wilson and Tom Brady are both despicable cunts. Earning hundreds of millions of dollars and fucking every bitch going wasnt enough for them, they had to defraud the common man as well. Imagine if you donated to one of those charities and you find out the money went on Tom or Russā€™s private jet. Tom with his crypto fraud as well. Brett Favre is another one. Being worth unimaginable millions isnā€™t enough, he has to become a benefit fraud as well.

Anyone defending any of these people, even on relative grounds, is letting themselves down.

I might go back to supporting Rodgers, he seems the most for real out of all of them. ā€œIā€™m mad. Iā€™m a cunt. Deal with it.ā€

Edit: leaving his pregnant gf I couldnt give a shit about. The heart wants what it wants, Tom and Gisele were good with each other. Who knows what was really going on and maybe somethings are just meant to be.

It would be a great story.