
I think they are entitled and shameless with their striking action, holding the country to ransom. They should be sacked on the spot.

If I don’t like my job or my profession I don’t hold my employer to ransom and threaten them that I won’t do my job. I simply look for another job that satisfies my needs and demands more.

Teachers are overpaid and underworked. They should have their salaries reduced by around 30% and also be put to work during the summer months in other community projects.

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Forklift drivers have the decency not to strike and cause logistical nightmares for essential products up and down the country. They do a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay. A concept utterly alien to an entitled teacher.


If it was any of the reasonable lads having pops off teachers you might take a bit of notice. The fact it’s all the fucking lunatics who have a hop off anything and everything says it all


Their pay is not particularly good. It’s fine, and in my view, well-earned. Cut it at that rate and you’ll struggle to fill the jobs. And when you do, the standards will slip significantly

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Dude, pointless. Good point. Deaf ears. He’s unteachable that fella


33k - 65k for a job that is about 30 hrs a week and we’ll say circa 85 days annual.

Compare and contrast that with a job that’s a 40 hour week with 25 days annual leave.

So you’re taking your base salary of 33k.

You equate that into a 40 hr standard week. That become 44k.

You then look at the annual leave perk. A standard job Mon - Fri job you have probably 250 working days, a figure taking into account bank holidays and public holidays etc.

So the standard worker probably has 225 working days, 25 annual leave days.
Teachers have 165 working days, 85 annual leave days.

So we then factor in working days. That probably ramps up the basic salary that should be benchmarked against your normal worker from 44k to 60k.

So the effective starting salary for a teacher is 60k.
Do the same for the top end of the scale and it’s a salary of 120k without every having to make any progression in your career.

And that’s before you even factor in pension entitlements and job security.

So a teacher’s salary is 60k-120k if you imply the same working standards an average full time employee. And that’s on the conservative side. I note from doing a quick search, it seems to be 35-70k with a number of additional salary payments depending on their educational qualifcations. So you’re probably looking at teacher’s salary being 70k-130k. Not many industries will give that to an entry level employee who never even has to climb the career ladder.

And that’s not enough, they consistently strike, hold the people to ransom, screw the children they are paid extortionately well enough to educate. They are utterly, utterly shameless. Their conduct over the past number of months has been a new low, even for them. Cynically using a health crisis to further their own interests as healthcare workers suck up all the shite thrown at them in the meantime.

It’s times to cut the teachers and pay the nurses.

You wanted to be an engineer or something clever like that but were too fuckin thick and it was all those bad teacher’s fault.

Now you spend your days in 2 day old sweaty shirts carting toilet rolls from one side of the warehouse to the other and brand yourself an aesexual because you can’t get the ride.

In fairness I’d be bitter too.

It’s not that simple @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy. I think people would be more receptive to your position if you acknowledged that teaching was a tough job. Standing in fron of 30 teenagers wasn’t that easy. You can’t blame them for opting to send their students a link to some video or other instead.

I’ve done fine.

You ended up becoming a pig though. You didn’t need to tell us you were really thick though, I’d have guessed it from your posts.

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Everyone who play a violin about their job and what it entails. Teachers just think they are the only profession who have a tough job, they feel it’s unique to them. When you look at the way nurses are treated and how they suck it up and get on with things and compare and contrast with that of teacher, it’s impossible to feel sympathy for them.

What’s a pig?

You are.

A failed Garda. :blush:

Ah, I believe that I have you seething :pint:

Victory is mine.

You’re a little embarrassed, truth be told.


Is she teaching now as well?

If you have an adverse reaction to the vaccine, the exits are located here, here, and here


In case of emergency the ventilator will drop from a compartment over head

That’s a silly post pal.

What if they live with someone at risk of dying if they contract the disease? Or even would be at risk of dying themselves?

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Sillier than yourself suggesting there’s no need to hurry with the vaccine? ICU’s all full and hospitals rationing oxygen while deaths are shooting up but you think it’s not that urgent?

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