TFK International Business Travel Thread

Currently on a bit of work related bidness in south south Eastern Europe, clue in the first picture. Melting hot but the hosts are firing food and drink into us, the local firewater is lethal tack. On a side note in the interests of research the female population from id say 25-35 or so are simply stunning.


Itā€™s the photos of them instead of your beers and statues you should be posting for us!


Sorry there love would you mind if I took your picture for the esteemed members of The Free Kickā€¦ I think that market is cornered by the many dodgy looking lads on the street corners. Fake leather jackets in 30 degree heatā€¦

Off to India next week so the first time since before Covid.


On the way back from ZĆ¼rich. What a city.

What time does your train get in?


Driving or flying?


Going to pakishtan in January. Never been before. Looking forward to it a bit.

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Direct flight over and back from Cork :relieved:

What airline flies there directly?

Youā€™re not really

Through Swiss Air.

Iā€™m not really. I just thought about it when the thread popped up. Iā€™m really interested to see it, but the actual travel :face_vomiting::face_vomiting:
I really really hope itā€™s not BA, and I really hope itā€™s not through Heathrow.

9.50 to Heathrow delayed until 11.15. Iā€™ll be late for my 13.00 meeting & will look really stupid in front of my british business friends now. Paddy with his sweaty, red face bursting into the meeting at 13.26 or something (cc @Tassotti). Aer Lingus is not a proper airline.


Flying back this evening?

Yep, now the flight is cancelled for ā€œoperational reasonsā€ & weā€™ve to queue up to see about alternative options. I was told earlier it missed its take off slot on the way over from Heathrow so it looks like theyā€™re just not arsed going ahead with it & will try to throw folk on subsequent flights throughout the day. This could work out beautifully, I might be joining the call from my couch but the other attendees wonā€™t believe the distressing incident & aftermath Iā€™m dealing with here.

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Especially on a Monday morning

You could have gone to Stansted at 7:40am.

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Iā€™m here for you pal if you need me. But ideally only airside.


Indeed. But you know what, Iā€™m past the days of going on a 6.30am or 7.30am flight for a 1pm meeting & building in huge contingencies & slack. Fuck it, if I canā€™t get on the next flight then Iā€™m going home. This is Aer Lingusā€™s fault & probably @Batigol ā€™s too, not mine.