TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

I never knew just how depressing Canada in January could be.

How did you know I was in Canada? I never said it on here.

Oh yeah the admins protect you. What an internet hard man.

Wait a minute, who’s trying to act hard again here? :grinning:

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Are you trying to get some brownie points here.

Long gone are the days you took the bus to Cork to try and set up a tfk alias. Banned for years but let back in out of pity. Ah bless.


You really do believe everything you want to believe on the INTERNET, don’t you?!

You never stop talking about life in canada, a quick search confirms it

Well that definitely happened. Beyond weird. What a use of the dole money.

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Ah yeah.

That post was from may 2018. I was in Ireland then. The admins who protect you told you. It’s ok. Everyone knows.

What’s all that virtue signalling covering for?

I think @maroonandwhite’s anger that being an immigrant somewhere else means he can’t participate in the burning down of accommodation for refugees and/or Dublin people here in Ireland must have got the better of him.

Let it all out, buddy, we’re here for you.

Immigrants who want to work and better their situation are welcome in Ireland.

It’s entirely useless cunts like you that just leech off taxpayers that are the real problem.

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You dont speak for the irish

Once you took the oath, all bets were off


I didn’t take any oath.

You literally have nothing on me, so just keep repeating that. Where’s the admins to save you, you can’t raise them on WhatsApp, thats why you are gone quiet here all of a sudden and hiding behind Leechy

Shure to the likes of you no such immigrants exist. They’re always “leeches”.

You’re some man to comment about things you nothing about. But then again I suppose that’s the far right mindset in a nutshell.

The likes of you have continually screamed about the current Prime Minister of Canada being a Nazi. So I suppose it’s fairly obvious in your case what drew you to Canada.

What?? Is this supposed to make sense.

Leechy you are rattled beyond belief.

Yes, it’s definitely me who is rattled.

You can actually see my knees quivering here through the screen I’m so rattled by your nonsensical rants.

Here, tell me this. Wouldn’t somebody living in British Columbia be the actual literal definition of a “West Brit”? Or would they be a North Columbian? Can you be both?

The name refers to a river.

All day with nothing to do but look at stuff online and you are not well informed Leechy. What are you doing wasting all that bandwidth.

Oh you’re sooooo mean.

I hear the Daily Quacknutter runs a great podcast. Eight hours and 29 minutes the last one ran for. It’s a must listen. I hear there was some lad on benzos on it screaming about how trans people are Nazis because they want to have a pee when they’re out of the house and how a cocktail of Ivomec and vodka is the miracle cure for wokeness.

Accept no substitutes - the Daily Quacknutter is the number one source of absolute wisdom for free thinkers™.

I’m virtue signalling again @maroonandwhite and you’re gonna sit there and you’re gonna like it.