TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

They give far too much time to lefty headbangers like Paul Murphy and assorted open border propagandists but it’s a tiny step in the right direction


The mentallers will be blaming the immigrants for the state of the hotel soon. They need to start taking the butter vouchers off them. Just to add that extra nudge towards a coronary.

That ne’er do well @Kyle will love this , lads trying to earn a crust getting intimidated off a site by a bunch of our finest patriots .

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A great victory for Ireland.

Big Gardai presence on Mount Street. Roads closed around it.

There was a video on the tweeter yesterday showing pools of blood on the street and the Gardai buzzing around


Some lunatic writing in the papers today saying we should give them all Irish Passports and send them back to London. FFS.

That’s like the idea of guaranteeing all the bank debt so all the money will flow into the Irish banks - and that worked out well.


The video was a fake or i didn’t see it?

It was a different street in another part of town & didnt involve immigrants

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I’ll take your word on it. A far right header had it up so i didn’t want to engage with it or his profile…
I see there’s a trend now of posting pictures of tradesmen working on sites housing migrants. That’s rough. When i was reading Mein kampf yesterday it didn’t mention anything about posting pictures of natives online.

:rofl: :rofl:
Bar passing it on as if gospel…


That’s an incorrect statement by you. I’ll sue you if you make another.

Good man.

James Dowson (born 1964 or 1965)[1] is a British far-right political activist, Christian nationalist and Ulster loyalist, active in Northern Ireland.

Originally from Airdrie, North Lanarkshire, Scotland,[2] he has been active across the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States and has been described by The Times as “the invisible man of Britain’s far right”.[3]

After joining and falling out with the Orange Order, Dowson was active as an anti-abortion militant. He joined the far-right British National Party and was in charge of the party’s financial affairs. He later helped found and worked as the main source of funding for Britain First from which he resigned in 2014. He was arrested for his participation in the Belfast City Hall flag protests in late-2012 and was also involved in the Protestant Coalition, a party formed by some involved in the protests. Subsequently, he has also been active in the anti-immigrant Knights Templar International and supporting Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign.

Dowson presents Templar Report on Purged TV every Sunday to Friday which has Nick Griffin, the former BNP and National Front leader, as a regular guest.[4]


I think Tossy bases his INTERNET persona on this fella.

Looks like the truth hurt for the care bear did it princess?