The causes of Glas

Cheers, she prefers if I call her princess (coincidentally) though.

Says the guy who watches a ryan giggs yoga dvd


That’s some clamping.

It changed my life in ways i never thought possible

Tough on Glas. Tough on the causes of Glas.


A random smelly cyclist.


I find it extraordinary that he hasn’t had the good grace to apologise to me.

An imaginary random smelly cyclist.

Now you are just being a big baby.

Back to the name calling again

  • Misshapen circles apparently
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You’re at risk of ruining this thread if you start posting your own causes.

KT Taylor

Do we have an up to date list of causes? I am loosing track here.

Katie Taylor

Dolers & general layabouts like @ChocolateMice

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Poo interruptus

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Flatus interruptus, whilst not strictly accurate, has a more pleasing flow.

I was in the middle of a pleasing flow when I had to squeeze it off and do a quick spit shine and exit the building.