The Daddy Thread

An aul wan in the office once put me in my place one morning I was complaining about having to lie in the bed beside the young wan that night after her coming in with a bad dream.

ā€œI wish I knew the last time I got out of my daughters bed was the last time sheā€™d ask me sleep beside herā€ says me wan.

Fuck it, I nearly wept on the spot. Iā€™ve never complained since. Goes quick.


Just when he thought heā€™d pulled out, she pulled him back in


Sheā€™s got a type anyway

Alfallah, who has worked as a producer, was rumoured to have previously dated Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger for over a year until 2018 and in 2019 was later spotted with actor and director Clint Eastwood.

Either she has, or the lads haveā€¦


Didnā€™t Deniro only just father a kid recently also? A grand life if you can get it .

Not too bothered about throwing another name into the will anyway. Mickoā€™esque.

Fathering a child in the real world after 45 is a mugs game.


Just get the fucking snip ffs!

The local professor is approaching 80 and has two happy high achieving teenagers. Heā€™s professoring, fathering, farming and much much more

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The mothers wanting careers at fault here

Lads fathering a few kids in quick succession after the age of 40 need their head examined , actually both heads examined .

Itā€™s the lads having a kid with the subject of their affair who are the worst gobshites.

Mugged. Offf. Good. And. Proper.


Where the fcuk do they get the energy ?! Must be serious ego propping them up ? Didnā€™t do enough pushing and shoving when they were young lads .

I was down at the little wanā€™s new school for a parent induction evening. The principal made some comment along the line of ā€˜new mammiesā€™ and ā€˜Iā€™ll be one of them myself in Septemberā€™. I took this as meaning she was pregnant. She is a strong looking woman so it seemed reasonable that she was with child. As we were leaving, she said ā€˜best of luck to yeā€™, and I smiled and said ā€˜oh and the best of luck to you too! Exciting times aheadā€™ or something like that. Only when I went up the road did the Mrs inform me she wasnā€™t pregnant, and she just meant her kid was starting junior infants as wellā€¦ Thankfully, I held back from the whole ā€˜when is the due date etc.ā€™ spiel that I was thinking of offloadingā€¦


Did the Mrs cop you thought she was pregnant or did you flag it to her?

Thereā€™s a girl in our office whoā€™s been getting progressively more pregnant for 18 months now. I still remember the day I almost congratulated her and chose to bite my tongue. It could have been an absolute disaster


Jaysus lads. Iā€™d forgotten how ye do it. Weā€™ve a niece (1) and nephew (4) here for a couple of days. Up since 5.30am. Iā€™ve no problem getting up at that time to go to the gym but Iā€™m bolloxed here.


Just when we were getting good at it they grew up, a bit like footing turf - just when yer in the swing of it yer finished

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Gaeltacht for the eldest today.