Words and phrases that are more commonly used on tfk than in real life

Said MacSharry has sired another offspring with a lady younger that the current Deputy MacSharry.
To say all in well within Camp Mac would be stretching things a tad.

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By God. He must be well into his 70s?

Wikipedia tells us heā€™s now 83. The chissler is now about 2 or 3.
Ray was always a serious man when he got a thing into his head. Life in the old dog etcā€¦

ā€œPlayer makerā€

World Cup Quarter Final.


Iā€™m reminded of the old joke;

An elderly millionaire walks into his doctor. Doc Iā€™ve recently married a beautiful young woman, and now sheā€™s pregnant. I need a full physical from head to toe, need to be in top shape for when the little one comes along.
The doctor thinks for a minute and says; I was out for a walk yesterday, and this beuatiful pheasant jumped out of the bush in front of me, of course Iā€™d forgotten my gun, so I picked up my umbrella, pointed it at the pheasant and shouted bang. The Pheasant fell to the ground stone dead.
Thatā€™s impossible says the millionaire, someone else must have shot him.
Exactly says the Doctor.



Covid thread?

Uh huh.

ā€œcan you point me to the provision in the constitution where the govt are bound by NPHET adviceā€


Hard to believe they left NPHET out of the constitution that time, a scandal Iā€™d say,

I wonder have they conveniently left out anything else, I think they had a provision for the Virgin Megastore but fuck all for Facebook :rage:

really like the term gasper

there was a gasper talking to a cager about the provision in the constitution where the govt are bound by NPHET advice



By God. And it being on Christmas morning. Youā€™re up early basting the turkey @Fagan_ODowd?

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I have heard a lot of folk say in Limk ā€œgone out to Killaloeā€, back to Glin, Foynes, Newcaste etc
down to Dingle, out to Cappamore, Murroe, Annacotty, where the person saying it is Mungret based !

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Perps, as in perpetrator. Very continental.

More sort of Americanā€¦doing the ā€˜perp walkā€™ like

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Circle jerk.


Ratoath Inn. This one has particularly been done to death at this stage now.


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