The Gut Health Thread

Cc @Kyle


Glass of home fermented kefir is the one.

Hes already the control substance as the perfect gut

So you break your fast then?

A recent purchase of Psyllium Husk has both been necessary and has worked wonders, as usual




Worse again the fish was caught when the Brits were still in the EU !

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His guts are like the rebels in ‘The Empire Strikes Back’. Getting pounded on all sides. 8 month old fish!


Serious stuff. Think theyre a lahinch business.

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Ballyvaughan. Girl from Ennis that started the company.


William Hague wrote a piece in the Times revently saying that the evidence against ultra-processed food is so overwhelming that politicians of today run the risk of looking like those who supported the cigarette industry in years gone by.

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Big food did a lovely stitch up job on red meat and “bad” fat… all whilst poisoning the food chain with fructose corn syrup and trans fats.


€1.20 for a bag of proper sauerkraut. Can’t go wrong. I empty the bag into an empty jar as the bag gets flimsy.


I picked up a whopper jar of some polish or lithuanian gear recently. Thought I’d hit the jackpot. Turned out it was pasteurised…

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I’m a big fan of kimchi these days.

Struggling to find one that isn’t a robbery and isn’t too sweet.

Aldi had one in their middle isle for a while.

There’s a savage cabbage crowd that make it locally, and it’s nice but tis steep enough at a €5 for a small jar.

I’m going to make it myself one of these days

Its tough to make well. I’ve tried a few times. Hard to get proper ingredients. Theres a crowd in cork do a very good one but its about 9euro a jar and they sell it in the english market.
Asian shops are your way to go. Usually have a good one. Ive bought piuches and tubs and jars and even tins of it and they are all usually decent. Delicious on poached eggs. Kids hate the stank though

I ate it on it’s own by the forkload


Ay got stung by another Polish one too recently. This stuff will do me fine. I’d make my own but for €1.20 for 500g you can’t go wrong.


There’s lovely Korean kimchi in the Asian supermarket on Henry street, the one closest to town

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Only issue is cant stop eating it. Needs nothing at all. Snack away at it. Unreal stuff

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