The Public Transport Thread

I would say the kettle in the auld pair’s house is boiled every 30 minutes between the hours of 6am and 11pm for fear someone would be stuck waiting for a pot of tea. Finucanes guaranteed a new kettle sale roughly every 18 months.


It was indeed a pleasant meeting , if initially somewhat unsettling given @Bandage appearance ; his running has given him a dramatic weight loss and matched with what is quite a tight haircut and leisurewear themed attire he is now one of those guys that you have to wait till he opens his mouth to judge if he is a junkie with an aggressive forehead selling yokes or a pillar bank financier with a passion for athletics. He didn’t have any yokes.


Funny post

And CIE the cunts want us peninsulans to get off the train at this bear pit and wait for a shuttle to Howth.

hope they end up in jail

In the last couple of days I have seen people bring electric bikes and electric scooters on to the dart. What’s the point of these fucking things if you have to bring them on the train.

And another thing I’ve noticed is people spreading things out on the seat like it’s a home office and tap tapping on the laptop to their hearts content and they pulling bits of paper from the laptop bag that of course they have on the seat beside them because their work is too important to be disturbed by one of the great unwashed sitting beside them. Cunts. What’s wrong with taking 20 minutes out of your day and just watching the world go by.


Think people like the laptop head are using Covid to their advantage to commandeer two seats. I’ve seen people choose to stand rather than sit side by side.

Although it did backfire recently when an under the bed merchant in full medical mask was asked to remove her bag by another woman. She refused to mumbling some Covid fears.

The other woman was having none of it and sat on her bag with the Covid fearing one now trying to remove it from under her arse.
Other woman said if she was so fearful she should be driving or getting a taxi to her destination. It ended quite frostily and nasty.


You love to see it.

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Fairly obvious I would have thought?

Keeping up appearances

Public transport seethe is one of life’s guilty pleasures.

Watching somebody else’s seethe descend into micro aggressions and you standing there, all superior, rolling your eyes choosing not to remember the time you sighed heavily in an airport security queue when some jackass waited to last moment to de metal himself.

Metrolink to the airport announced today. Should be in place for the championship of 2041 after all the objections are heard.

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Stick it down the middle of M50 and have it cut in at the red cow and join up with the luas ta fcuk …job is oxo


A lot of people are trying to put the commute into their working day (1+6+1=8) and getting away with it. Grand if you can get away with it.

Where are the floating cars? Surely that far in the future the visuals should have that?

The mythical train line will have trains every 3 minutes.

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Mass air travel as we know it will have ceased to exist by 2030.

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy “We need to cancel air travel to save the environmenr”

Also @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy “We need to build multi billion euro public transport links to the airport to make it easier for people to fly”


Its going to swords mate