The Rugby Thread (Part 2)

That was the best I’ve seen Toulouse in a few years at the weekend. Blew a very game Exeter team out the gate after giving them 7 start- covered tge handicap at their leisure. They also have maybe the best 9/10 pairing ever if Dupont can play.

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You were endlessly repeating yourself you mean.

Jeez thats a magic debate to have rather than the short term provincial bickering!

Smith and Carter
Dawson and Wilkinson
Howley and Jones
Farr Jones and Lynagh
Gregan and Larkham
De Klerk and Pollard

At club level

Hall and Mounga won 4 super rugby titles in a row as a pairing which is phenomenal
Kerr Barlow and Cruden won a couple together

When I was a whipper snapper tonu and Spencer won a couple in an unbelievable good Blues side

Stringer and ROG did it at club level and at international for a long long time

Reddan and sexton
Tillo Bord and Wilkinson
Wigglesworth and Farrell

All won multiple European cups together…the latter probably the least glamorous but dominated the most at domestic level too


Here it is, in response to the point on Munster renaging on financial obligations.

Here you go;

Now the question is why Munster Rugby have had the 1014 Group who signed players on their behalf and were noted in the press for contacting coaches over selection issues.

They are of course allowed to pay for what they want as private individuals but when you count up the financial bailout and outside investment, it’s a bit weak for Munster in particular to be moaning.

Sexton and Murray were brilliant for a few years together

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So they parked the payment on the loan? Throw up the bit where they document the write off I can’t recall it

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Michalak and ellisaslde.

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Excluded them on basis of longevity really. Michelak won a few European cups as a 9 himself

Greg and larkham were iconic.

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I literally just pointed out that you’ve been repeatedly yourself over and over for about two days and you respond by repeating the same thing again? Nembo Kid wouldn’t get a look-in with you.

Where was that said?

What is a fact is that they could meet their debts when they fell due.

The rest of Irish rugby lost out on investment because of that.

All very separate points here, you were waffling on about Elsom yourself. Clearly not reading.

Du Preez and Steyn an excellent pairing too.


Took you a few mins to come up with that one. Better than the usual running off I guess.

Fatigue with you regurgitating the same post again and again for days on end isn’t running away.

If it had been you wouldn’t have mentioned Elsom.

Again, a step up on your usual running away and “dumb post” schtick when a discussion starts.

Two references to the one post now. And a one word post is now “waffling on”. You’ve lost command of English at this stage. Elsom must be a trigger word.

It’s just evidence that you don’t or can’t read. C’est ça.

It was sensible to head straight to Ireland but it definitely was an ego trip to make sure it was Cork. He’d have been feted for it if they’d won. But they didn’t. They got walloped.