Unpopular opinions or views you hold

That France v Austria game wasnā€™t as good a game as people are portraying it as. I enjoyed the Slovakia v Belgium game more.

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Footix alert

Austria created one clear cut chance in 99 minutes.

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Not really unpopular. Like I mean thereā€™s a thread on this about which Offaly person do you hate most.

A game with two disallowed goals where Belgium are full sure theyā€™ve equalised both times before groaning in despair is hard to beat.

The narrative with Lukaku scoring both these disallowed goals after his World Cup nightmare was a rich one.

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Fair play to @maroonandwhite for his sterling defence of the civil service here. A very unpopular opinion around here Iā€™d imagine.


It reminds me of the way that Jesus Christ himself died so that he could save the rest of us


TFK is his personal Mount Calvary, @Tierneevin1979 is his Veronica.

The female pundits (not S Roche) on the RTE euros coverage are better than their male counterparts.


Doyle is decent IMO, didnā€™t know his fellow panelist this evening but she was insightful.

Iā€™ve been championing Karen Duggan for over three years now.


Is she single or married? Sheā€™d be a great fit for any sporty Tipperary dairy farmer.

All subsidies should be cut to Irish farmers and we should import anything for a lesser price to feed the nation if necessary. Subsidies to farmers are nothing but vote-buying from FF/FG to thicks from the midlands and surrounds who still think SF are the bogeyman, not to mention the scamming of such subsidies that the government turns a disgraceful blind eye to.


EU. Fine Gael and Fianna FƔil have little or no say but food dependency would probably be a pretty stupid strategy.


How would you pay for the imports? The magic money tree?


Kwasi Doherty would figure something out

I donā€™t agree with his premise, but in the way heā€™s presented it the answer to that is a pretty basic economics concept, isnā€™t it?

Rob a few banks maybe


Sinn Fein lads have the contacts.


We import our food mate