US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Ah bless, the Gammon lads are giving each other hugs for moral support.

Everybody say ā€œahhhhhhā€ā€¦

This and your follow up posts on Afghanistan are fairly stupid mate. ā€œIt was going to be chaos anyway and itā€™s all trumpā€™s faultā€ is pretty weak.

Absolute savagery

Cheers for making up stuff about what I said. Itā€™s of a piece with the way youā€™ve consistently been a lying shit during the pandemic.

A lying shit? Calm down.

Were you drunk last night and forgot what you posted and now youā€™re hungover and cranky?

What did I make up that you said? Hereā€™s what you said:

There were some more posts along the same lines as well.

And hereā€™s what I said you said:

Fairly categorical. Go away and have a bit of a think about that.

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In your previous post, you deliberately invented a quote by me.

Now, you have no argument against my posts.

Why are you posting here again?

As you can see, what I said was accurate reflection representation of what you said. Youā€™re the one who continually makes up things that other posters say and responds to that instead. You have a problem with accuracy.

It wasnā€™t. You literally made up stuff. You made up a quote.

If you have an issue with what I posted, directly quote what I said and make an argument against it.

You havenā€™t done that.

As you havenā€™t done during the pandemic, when I consistently handed you your arse.

Sure you did ā€œmr zero covid won the argumentā€.

Ok, Iā€™ll quote what you said and point out my issue with it.

The quotes I already selected and responded to in this post, linked below, are stupid. I think I was already quite clear in identifying what you said and what the issue with it was (stupidity) but here itā€™s spoonfed for you again.

Are you drunk first thing in the morning?

Itā€™s up to you to directly quote what you have a problem with and make an argument against it.

You havenā€™t done so.

Crying ā€œI donā€™t like your postsā€ is not an argument. Itā€™s being a big baby.


You havenā€™t provided an argument.

Isnā€™t that stupid on your part?


Nope. You start out with a few statements with no support for any of them and then say anything other than what youā€™ve stated is magical thinking, with no support for that either.

Thatā€™s stupid.

Now youā€™re pissing and moaning that I wonā€™t engage with your unsupported statements.

Thatā€™s also stupid.

And to think you would try to critique anyone elseā€™s level of debate. Good luck and thanks.

Iā€™ve continually asked you to produce arguments as to why you disagree with what I have said here.

You still havenā€™t done so.

You have however made up quotes, engaged in pointless waffling, and generally acted like a big baby, all because you didnā€™t like the home truths I told.

Now thatā€™s weak and stupid.

ā€œProve what I said is wrong or else itā€™s right!ā€

Top level debating there.

Youā€™re still at it, I see.

I really do hope you have a soother there to match your whinging.

errr, isnā€™t that what debating is?

What I do on here is debating.

I frame an argument, always substantiate my points and probe inconsistencies, weaknesses and lack of substance in the positions of others.

Sadly there are very few posters who engage debate on this forum in an honourable manner. Itā€™s all mud slinging, misrepresentations of the others points and failing to address questions. I feel most debates are default victories for me these days as few people actually engage with any integrity or substance.

This thread is a nightmare, tbh.

Lads losing the plot over a two party state where both sides are inhumane capitalist pigs. America is a fucked up place. Republicans may be more backward and racist than Democrats but Democrats themselves are heinous individuals when contemptible people like the Clintons etc involved. Bernie Sanders is the only honourable politician in the US.


The Democrats founded the KKK

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