US Presidential Election 2020

Safe candidates donā€™t win.

Fancy you dismissing somebody else as ā€œcrankyā€, you miserable cunt. :laughing:

You are incapable of understanding my arguments mate, as other than the ability to write you are as thick as shit.

Biden is 10 points ahead of Trump.
All other Democratic candidates are effectively even with him.

Your problem is that I not only understand your ā€œargumentsā€, I see right through as the bullshit they are.

Whereas you just shout ā€œcommunistā€.

Is your name McCarthy, by any chance?

Youā€™re actually arguing that the way to win the election is by offering ā€œmore of the sameā€.

How fucking deluded would anybody be to believe that.

Warren was outstanding last night, closely followed by Bernie. They argued with passion, charisma, and empathy, and their ideas and policies beat the living daylights out of the useless corporate whoremasters like Delaney, Bullock, Ryan and the aptly named Hickenlooper, all of whom are standing on the wrong debate stage.

Warren and Bernie are prepared to fight. None of the other candidates are, and thus are useless.

Biden is the ā€œmore of the sameā€ candidate. ā€œIā€™m not Trumpā€ is not a platform.

Biden wonā€™t be in any trouble until a few of the other candidates drop out so the support against him has a chance of consolidating.

Biden is a foot in mouth merchant. He canā€™t stop making gaffes and canā€™t think on his feet. Harris made a fool of him last time with a basic question he should have been well briefed to deal with.

If he has anything at all about him, heā€™ll go on the attack against Harris tonight, but I expect heā€™ll be attacked from all sides, particularly by Tulsi Gabbard, who I think is an awful candidate and is basically a stooge for Assad, the Russiabots, and Narendra Modi, but she is well positioned to attack him on a lot of matters.

Warren hasnā€™t had a chance to debate Biden yet. I think sheā€™ll destroy him when she does get that chance.

Bidenā€™s third favourite for the nomination. So his poll leading numbers arenā€™t taken too seriously at the moment.

Biden is relying on two things: perception of ability to beat Trump, and his past association with Obama.

That is a very, very fragile foundation on which to build a campaign.

He isnā€™t leading on policies, he isnā€™t leading on charisma, he isnā€™t leading on anything else.

Warren has built her support slowly and steadily, the old fashioned way, through persuasion based on ideas, policy, competence, integrity and her qualities as a person.

Bernieā€™s support is based on something similar.

Warrenā€™s support looks the most sustainable to me. I donā€™t see Bidenā€™s support increasing, it will likely only travel in a downward direction.

Bascially heā€™s the Democratsā€™ Jeb Bush.

I have it like the bookies as a two way contest between Warren and Harris.

It could work out that way but itā€™s still very much a four way contest after tonight

Biden needs a big showing, a second poor debate in a row would be hard to recover from

Not sure how he does that though as he doesnā€™t have an inspiring central message that hits you in the heart and the gut, to run with

Of all the candidates, Warren has that in spades and is comfortably the most convincing debater when she speaks

That is what wins elections, itā€™s how Obama won when he was widely written off, itā€™s how all successful Democratic candidates going back to Kennedy have won

And Biden needs to not come out of this debate backtracking on some psuedo racist remark like last time.

Agree with that, the DNC donā€™t want Biden and the DNC will likely get their way.

Bernie is a socialist and the only reason he could have won in 2016 is because Trump was the most unpopular candidate who ever ran for president. Trump is now the incumbent, and regardless of the screeching from the permanently outraged, will be difficult to beat.

Warrenā€™s problem is she has embraced all of Bernieā€™s platform, so although she claims she is a capitalist, she has the issue of having a socialist agenda. Taking away the private insurance of 170 million Americans and telling them the government will look after them is 100% socialist. Any politician proposing it in Ireland would be decimated, let alone America. That and immigration are the two issues Sanders and Warren will flounder on, most Democrats and literally all independents do not support open borders and giving free health care to illegals.

Harris is much more savvy than Warren and wonā€™t tie herself down with policies that would lose her the national election. She will either be the candidate, or in the event he prevails, Bidenā€™s running mate.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

She will be Bidens running mate he will win with 350 plus electoral college votes serve only 1 term and she will win in 2024

The entertainment starts in 10 mins on the left wing CNN channel.


Liz Warren and Bernie emerging as the big winners from this

Tulsi Gabbard has landed some big blows on Kamala over her record as California AG, Kamala didnā€™t like it at all

Biden has been very poor again, he canā€™t even deliver attack lines with any conviction, you wouldnā€™t even know theyā€™re attack lines as he says them

Booker is doing the most damage to Biden and is performing best of anybody tonight, he could move into a Europa League place in the polls after this

Bad night for the Alt-Left dems

Wait a second, I know that nameā€¦



You forgot to mention that bit mate

Gabbard has no hope of winning the nomination

Neither has Booker who was the best performer in last nightā€™s debate

Bookerā€™s name keeps popping up as a good performer. He certainly has demographics working in his favour in a way that Biden and Sanders donā€™t. Itā€™s almost surprising to have two ā€œprivileged old white menā€ even in the mix at all.

Thereā€™s going to be some hilarious carnage in the next few months.