US Presidential Election 2020

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She will be Bidens running mate he will win with 350 plus electoral college votes serve only 1 term and she will win in 2024

The entertainment starts in 10 mins on the left wing CNN channel.


Liz Warren and Bernie emerging as the big winners from this

Tulsi Gabbard has landed some big blows on Kamala over her record as California AG, Kamala didn’t like it at all

Biden has been very poor again, he can’t even deliver attack lines with any conviction, you wouldn’t even know they’re attack lines as he says them

Booker is doing the most damage to Biden and is performing best of anybody tonight, he could move into a Europa League place in the polls after this

Bad night for the Alt-Left dems

Wait a second, I know that name…



You forgot to mention that bit mate

Gabbard has no hope of winning the nomination

Neither has Booker who was the best performer in last night’s debate

Booker’s name keeps popping up as a good performer. He certainly has demographics working in his favour in a way that Biden and Sanders don’t. It’s almost surprising to have two “privileged old white men” even in the mix at all.

There’s going to be some hilarious carnage in the next few months.

The dems and the MSM thought that with additional fanfare and TV budget, that would highlight the brilliance of the dem candidates.

Sadly, for those guys, it has highlighted a lot of very weak candidates and a disturbing move to the hard left.

You’re looking at it the wrong way

Candidates who emerge from serious battles in the primaries have a much better record in the presidential election than candidates who are effectively anointed with little in the way of a battle

Clinton 1992, Bush 2000, Obama 2008 and Trump 2016 all had to come through big battles to win their nomination

Dole 1996, Gore 2000, Kerry 2004, McCain 2008, Romney 2012 and Clinton 2016 were all effectively the anointed ones of their party and most faced little serious opposition

The most brutal fight of all was in 1968 and had Bobby Kennedy not been murdered he would almost certainly have won the election

Whoever comes through this process will have emerged from a serious battle which should toughen them for the election

I watched last night’s debate, hard to see any of these become the next president. Joe didn’t make any serious gaffes so I think he came out of it best. I expected more from Kamala Harris but it was a very bad night at the office for her. It was a bad night for the other two women on the stage last night who both looked out of their depth. Tulsi Gabbard was one and the other a blonde lady. I must watch the other debate particularly to see how Elizabeth Warren performed.

Don’t say I didn’t give you a heads up when Warren was being written off by all and sundry

Lady president of America, won’t happen. Its the elephant in the room everyone is tip toeing around.

Ivanka 2024.

It’s remarkable how the Alt Left dems don’t mention the mueller report any more. They let themselves down badly on that and lost big.

Sid and Labane finally meet up.


He gave him a fair old rattle with the right hand.

He did a very good job in making sure that nobody was filming it and that no police were in the vicinity. Fair play to him.


President Trump is great man to put a nickname on a lad. “sleepy joe” and “lying ted” :sweat_smile:

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