Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

A bit surprised at you taking the side of the planet-killers, but not really when I think of your air miles

he watched too many rambo movies as a kid

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ive flown once in the last 3 years mate & there is a little forest in Transylvania which offsets that journey

Oh bless. Your conscience is salved. Vladimir and the boys can belt away in those banana republics, sure that hardly counts towards global warming, it’s bloody roasting down there anyway

Imperialist pigdog

The EU signed a contract with J&J to make vaccines in EU and then ship them out to USA to be bottled before been returned to EU. Looks like Old Uncle Joe is helping himself to the EU stash. Herman will be seething at this revelation.

Ok guys.

I am starting to compile a magic numbers spreadsheet which will countdown how far the big players are off from hitting what I conceive to be the magic number of vaccines needed (80% of 80%). 80% being the uptake of the vaccine and the other 80% being a crude figure of adult population. I will factor in for J&J singe doses too as comprising 10% of rollout

The extra doses are ringfenced for kids and booster shots for the autumn.

I think J&J are just being cautious now given how political this has become. They are serious operators like Pfizer, they aren’t an AZ.

Astra Zenica appear to be the Eir mobile of vaccine distributors.

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Here’s a take on how fast the major regions get to the 60% immunity.

Assuming a six-month immunity window, a pace of delivering one shot to 0.33% of the population each day would achieve 60% immunity after six months (0.33 * 182 = 60%). The range of vaccination pace would be as follows: 0.27% of the population getting one shot daily to reach 50% immunity within six months, or 0.41% of the population vaccinated daily to reach 75% immunity also within six months. The current vaccination pace stands at 1.1% of the population receiving daily vaccines in Israel and 0.68% in the UAE. For the U.K. it is also quite robust at 0.58% as it is in the U.S. at 0.54%. Additional countries at rates above 0.33% are Morocco, Chile and Turkey. In the Eurozone the pace remains sluggish, at 0.2% in Spain, 0.17% in Germany and 0.18% in France. Italy is even lower at 0.17%. Canada is at 0.15%.

I think the US will be more or less there by the end of May.

They hit 15m vaccines administered last week and their early access to the J&J one dose supply should pretty much see them have everything nearly wrapped up the end of May.

UK will be about a month or two after that whereas the EU will be lagging months behind that again.

If other countries are pausing AZ can we back up the truck and tell em fill us up I wonder

The St Paddy’s Day zoom call with President Joe is our chance to grovel for some extra Pfizer vaccines.

Do it for the people of Mayo, Joe.

This AZ causing blood clot news is very worrying isn’t it?

Only if you believe it to be in any way true mate


The European Medicines Agency has recommended granting conditional marketing authorisation for the single-dose Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, in what is the fourth vaccine approved by the bloc.

The company has committed to deliver 200 million doses to the EU this year with 600,000 pencilled in to arrive in Ireland between April and June.

Well that’s not going to happen.

Announce Sputnik.

Strange that Ireland has nearly double the no of Moderna vaccines as Denmark there.

Only Cyprus and ze Germans have less Moderna vaccines administered.