Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’m not sure, had a scan of the roadmap there and it doesn’t specify.

3.8 million adults in Ireland.

According to the roadmap yesterday, between the 1st Jan 21 and 30th June 21, Ireland is due to get about 5.1 million doses.

600k doses of the J&J vaccine is enough to jab 600k people. About 16% of the adult population as you pointed out.

So 3.8 million less 600k = 3.2million left to vaccinate.

That leaves you with 4.5 million doses left. Enough to fully vaccinate 2.25 million people. Obviously depending on when they arrive in, that won’t mean those 2.25 million will be fully vaccinated by the end of June.

Outside of the 5.1 million, Ireland has an order in to receive about 600k of the Curevac vaccine in Q2. Requires 2 doses so enough for 300k people.

If J&J went bust and couldn’t supply another vaccine after Q2 commitments. We’d need about another 2 million doses to fully vaccinate the entire adult population.

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J&J is the key.

Wham, bam, thank you mam.

Realistically uptake likely to be about 80-90% of population. When is Sputnik V coming on board. That’s the one I want.

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They’ll leverage off the UK stock it seems.

That’s an extra 818k doses for us in Q2 if true.


Good thing is j&j is the largest healthcare company in the world and won’t go bust. With their manufacturering power they will be able to ramp up production. They only completed a massive expansion to the cork plant last year

According to Leo on the radio J&J are included in the vaccine projections, Curevac are not.

Yes. The assumption is that the first batch of the J&J vaccine will arrive in April.

AZ amount might be up an extra 800k for Q2 as per post above.

Sure the whole country will nearly be vacinnated by June at that rate.

Not sure how much the potential 800k extra doses effect the percentage of those vaccinated.

It’ll be more anyway :slight_smile:

GP’s are going to be ringing you at the start of June asking if you want a vaccine

Circa 5m doses by end of June.

600k of which are J&J single doses.

So 80% of the adult population (circa 3.8m) will be done by the end of June - that’s 3.04m. That includes 600k J&J doses presumably. You are 200k short of having everyone with the first jab given J&J don’t need a second jab.

So for the second dose, we are looking at a surplus of little over 2m left. So we’ll see 2m people get their second dose, add in the extra 600k that would leave 2.6m fully vaccinated. That comes in at 68%, now the official figure is probably reduced due to needing to keep supplies in reserve for those due their second shot. The reality is you are looking at probably 2.3m (60%) with the second dose and another 300k sitting in a fridge.

So at this point you would be looking at 200k first doses needed and 1.5m to finish off the second doses. So you need a total of 1.7m doses with 300k already sitting in a fridge. Should Curevac and AZ come through it also adds in an extra 1.4m there so at that point you have all your supply needed by the end of June.

However that’s assuming all adults get the vaccine. Reality it is probably likely to be 80-90% uptake so you imagine 90% of the supply should be in by June if those figures in the graph are true. And if Curevac and AZ actually are able to deliver there should be 100% of supply there for what is realistically needed by the end of June.

It’s very encouraging if the pharmaceutical companies can deliver. The it’s the big question - will the HSE deliver? The pressure from the public to deliver on this will be mammoth.

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These vaccines are going to be like the e-voting machines by the time this is finished. Sitting in a warehouse costing us a fortune to store


I predict anyone who wants a vaccine will be able to get one in May.

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Could we continue to fire them into test subjects to see if people get superpowers?

Are the gubbernment really keeping track of everyone who has gotten their vaccine? If so how? On PPS number or something? If there is a “vaccine passport” how will you prove you have gotten one?

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You’ll be in the doctor saying can I have wan of those, wan of those and wan of them

@dodgy_keeper is keeping a list?

We could get a few civil servants to act as test cases.

Primary school teachers should be forced to enroll in clinical trials on their summer holidays


I was given a handwritten little card for both jabs, just with name, date and type of vaccine written on it.

Definitely open for abuse. Can’t see it being accepted by other jurisdictions as proof of receiving the jab.