Wild Mushrooms

Ye’re land is too good for sheep!

Maybe… But I can only call mycological matters as I found them – and continue to find them…

Where are you from?

We were always told not to pick in the vicinity of the ditch.
Take the height of the hedgerow/trees as a rule of thumb for distance from the ditch to exclude.


South Galway. Did you every hear an interview of a guy called Paul Stamets? He’s an expert on fungus and has some interesting theories/observations on them. The largest living organism in the world is a fungus in some forest in America. He has featured on the Alt Right Joe Rogan podcast.

My people eat wild mushrooms and dance in thanks to the great spirit.

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I had you for a closet rogan fan alright.
Changing your mind by Michael Pollans may be the second greatest book ever written

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One of Bill Hick’s best…

“you don’t see ducks lined up to take the elevator to fly south, they take off from the ground, ya moron”

No, to be honest, don’t know Paul Stamets.

Michael Pollan I do know and his books are tremendous.

@Malarkey sudden bizaare interest in mushrooms explained

Artist Gets Tattoo On Forehead Because Magic Mushrooms ‘Told Him’ To

Tom Wood in NEWS

An American artist has had a tattoo inked on his face that says ‘it’s f***ed up but true’ because - he claims - magic mushrooms ‘told him’ to.

Well, that all seems fair and above board.

The 19-year-old artist and producer, who wishes to only be known by the moniker ‘The Opposite of Sadness’ or TOOS, claimed that he was told by the universe to get the facial tattoo while he was ‘tripping really hard’.

You’d have to be, mate.

Getting pinker. And more savoury.

Savage rain due tomorrow evening and night. Heat likewise forecast. Should mean a serious flush of mushrooms at weekend.


What are you doing with all these mushrooms @Malarkey? You’ll be sick looking at them at this rate of going.


So that’s what he’s up to

Tis like fuck.

Plenty of sheep up Windgap direction too may I add.

Would eat that amount for fun.

Anyhow, have plenty of people whose name is in pot for bag.

Have a look around at these guys, you’ll find it interesting I’d say https://instagram.com/ballyhouramushrooms?igshid=11il72u19bbe

Thanks. Yes, Ballyhoura are really interesting. Have bought some of their stuff.

Hard to get ceps and chanterelles around my way. Quite a few boletes – of the inedible kind – around last year. Chicken of the wood I have got, plus parasol mushrooms and shaggy inkcaps.

And puffballs, of course.

Aka horses fart.