You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Keep going. You are so egotistical, being The GomadĂĄn, as not to see what a complete tit you are making of yourself. But I guess a dork must be a dork.

All I am drinking at the minute is the organic Robert Roberts tea you can get in Dunnes. But I might have a drink with friends later on. That okay with you?

I’m not angry at all I just think it is worth reminding people that you wanted people denied health care and access to public services because they didn’t want to take a vaccine, a vaccine that did not prevent transmission. You need to own that and stand over it and maybe you’ll think a little bit more before calling for such psychotic measures next time. If you have held your hand up and apologised fair play to you, I must have missed that. Up until a few weeks ago you were still saying you supported it so it must be a fairly recent change of heart.


You fairly clamped the prick there. :clap: :clap:


You’re seething. Calm down.

The sisters are circling…


That post seems dishonest and lacking in context. A CDC study from December 2020 to March 2021 showed the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were around 90% effective at preventing infection, and it was quite legitimate to highlight this. However this was very early in the vaccination time frame and the CDC itself was careful to caution against premature over-optimism. Walensky’s comments were a clear simplification for a non-scientific audience.

If you look at what the best poster on Covid, @Cheasty said in May 2021, it was eminent common sense.

If you want to blame somebody for “fooling the public”, blame @TheUlteriorMotive, who claimed without evidence that vaccines were 100% effective against transmission.

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Good to see you’re preaching that transgenderism is a real thing.

This is hard to look at and at the same time to look away from.


@Horsebox will have to endure a bit of henpecking after that evisceration.

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If you’re not angry you managed a fair immitation of it, while replying to what you imagined was “a pop at you”.

Yes I called for unvaccinated people to be denied access to hospitals. And I still maintain the unvaccinated should be locked out of society, but maybe I need to put a big winky face beside that for you.

It appears supporting such psychotic measures was even more effective than expected at winding people up, you really are a stupid stupid fucker.

To be fair you’ve never had a problem holding two completely contradictory positions simultaneously in the past.

That post doesn’t make any sense to be honest so away with you.

Nothing dishonest about it at all. It has been regularly claimed here by some posters that we knew all along that the vaccine did not prevent transmission and that nobody ever claimed it did which is clearly false.

The ladybird version is that a decade after Facehop you still can’t spot a wind up.

Your problem is you insist on talking in absolutes that I don’t think are true.

Who here wanted unvaccinateds denied health care?

It was quite legitimate to support the withdrawal of some other public services from unvaccinateds. And it was certainly legitimate for private business owners to reject entry to unvaccinateds.

You say the vaccine did not prevent transmission. If it lessened the rate of transmission at any stage, that’s preventing transmission.

We did know the vaccines were not 100% effective against infection or transmission. Read my post from May 2021 again. I only posted that because I was following what the scientific consensus was.

Point me out a scientific study which ever claimed the vaccines were 100% effective against infection or transmission.

A Forbes headline is not a scientific study.


I was dead serious about it too.


I’ve never been in UL in my life, but do carry on you absolute spoofer :joy:

He made solid shite of him.

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OK lads, time to stop egging @Horsebox on.