You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


We need the definitive take from Dr Bal E Hop, the only expert with no agenda.


A great man.

The record of whose narratives have been correct and whose narratives have been bollocks throughout the pandemic is there for all to see.

I was the first to point out numbers were going the wrong direction in October and continually warned of the emergence of a variant like Omicron.

Itā€™s called critical thinking and ability to evaluate information.

Congrats on predicting cases of a respiratory disease would rise in winter.


Very true, mate.

That wasnā€™t a bad shout from last April.

Thereā€™s no need to be such a wanker you know.

And that viruses mutate, who knew?

The worry index is consistently high but peoples boredom levels have fallen versus a year ago. Weā€™re a very compliant people. Itā€™s no wonder for 800 years etc


Hope @myboyblue is alright.

Edit. @Cheasty , the above is from March this year. Its fairly prescient. I was out by 3% on the unvaccinated. The rest rings true through, no?

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Congrats on not predicting it.

Well youā€™ve felt that need for quite a while now.

Itā€™s beginning to look a lot like lockdown. Are we thinking the plug will be pulled before Christmas or after? Hospitality will surely go with this new super dooper variant.

Hospital numbers are almost below 500 again and theyā€™re talking about lockdown, itā€™s insane.

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Not sure what was remotely prescient about predicting that people would be angry at anti-vaxxers. Reasonable people have a breaking point. Itā€™s been obvious it would go that way since we knew there was a vaccine over a year ago, right wing politics, especially in the US and anti-vaxx loons opposed vaccines from the start and made the issue yet another front in the far right culture war against truth, science and reason.

People who understood the science have been warning of the emergence of more transmissible, vaccine evasive variants throughout the pandemic, especially if the world played its cards wrong in terms of common sense public health measures, which it largely has, influenced by the certifiably insane nihilists of the ā€œGreat Barrington Declarationā€, who frankly should be in prison for the way theyā€™ve deceived people in the service of big business right wing think tank dark money.

The likes of ISAG and Independent SAGE have been proven tragically correct, I hope all of yis who vilified them for telling it like it was are happy now.

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Yep. Theyā€™ve still got just enough time to do pull everything. Just. Itā€™s going to be a grim grim week on the news front.
It will take NPHET probably 2/3 months to realise that they over-cooked it too (on the caution). So fucking annoying and predictable.

Nice deflection buddy.

My post from March earlier this year was bang on the money though.

Iā€™m not right wing at all or do believe in conspiracy theories.

Big Pharma produced rushed medical products and made massive money but unfortunately the two initial jabs have turned out to be not what we were told. Astra Zenica currently is deemed useless. The public were lied to @cheasty in my view.

You need to accept that. The protection has ridicliously waned from the fully vaccinated as we moved from the summer to the winter.

In my view if it was the other way around. Winter to summer - Iā€™d give your lads more credit. The timing is off the charts. Its scandalous carry on.

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Could you imagine a NPHET meeting. 30 sids with actual qualifications sitting around a tad trying to outdo each other with doom mongering and confirmation bias tweets



The vaccines we have are some of the best vaccines ever produced and an utterly outstanding achievement of science and human endeavour, and remain the primary tool we have to fight Covid.

We cannot thank the scientists who developed them enough, because bad as the current situation is, it would be immeasurably worse without those vaccines.

9074 lives estimated saved in Ireland alone by the vaccines by the ECDC study.