You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I didn’t call you a paedophile but interesting that that’s where your mind went to. I asked you why you keep talking about other poster’s children which you declined to answer. You also said you’d do tim riggins a favour by impregnating his daughter which was one of the weirdest posts I’ve ever seen here.

Just stop talking about other people’s children when trying to insult them it’s really really weird. Then I won’t have to ever engage with you again.


You are quite unbelievably thick.

My point – irrefutable – was about the ‘seasonality’ mantra.

That’s an interesting turn of phrase.

I remember what I need to remember to call out fart box talkers on their shite.

I’ll ask after you in Crokes at the weekend.

I thought that was fairly weird alright. He doesn’t like his internet points being queried.


You are an obnoxious prick. And a hilariously stupid one. Money can you buy you love, of a sort, but brains? Alas, no.

I am sure they laugh at you in hockey circles as well. But I do not know anyone in those circles.

Yes, you did. Do not be weak as well as dumb and badminded.

I summed you up a long time ago: a gom pretending to be a gom so as not to be a gom.

Covid: ding!

Not really.

You are using anecdotal evidence here to try and claim a win. The reality is that if you are trumpeting a load of people getting it for the first time, they were in the minority. That could be for a few reasons, including that they were a bit more risk averse during the prior waves, part of vaccine protections have worn off et cetera.

I’d say a good few like yourself hid away well into April time when certain people were still shrieking about masks. A bit of confidence returns during the GGA season so you head out for an outdoor event but some unseasonal weather forces you indoors. You’re barely two bites into your carvery before BA.6 has got you.


Some people’s capacity for self humiliation is remarkable. I find the phenomenon extraordinary.

Especially the capacity of the echt vulgarians.

I suppose cassoulet in France is carvery.

Just leave the kids out of it mate and we won’t have a problem.

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You generally wouldn’t have to point out to people that that’s not the done thing but I guess normal societal rules do not apply to really really clever people.


The whiskey nose must be like an aroused baboon’s arse tonight.

I finally caught this two weeks ago, 4 days of a sore throat ffs.

Do not ‘mate’ me. You just called me a paedoohile. As it happens, I mentioned here months ago that sentences have never been anything like tough enough, in my view, for anyone who so much as touches a child.

But, hey, you are a gom who thinks Covid is a cod. You are in a circle jerk with your e-chums.

You are quite unbelievably dumb as well as badminded. If I mentioned carrots, would I automatically be a vegetarian?

In fairness my daughter is 8. I just thought it was another weird line from you in your quest to win the internet and I’m sure you wouldn’t know but you’d want to be a bit careful on when you drop your weird lines tbh. You’re the one who jumped to the word paedophile as well when her age wouldn’t be known.


That’s a great consolation to families of anyone who has died or been left severely sick since their infections.

Case closed eh.

Look, that trope is a just a means of telling you how stupid I consider you. As you well know.

You appear to believe – actually to believe – people are inferior if born outside the Dublin middle class or upper middle class. One effect of the Great Covid Lobotomy is people not recognizing this craic for what is.

There stands a most easy way of not arriving in these situations. Do not ever address me, because I most certainly will not be addressing you. Simple: you bore me, like all stupid people. You are also badminded.

It upsets ye how much more intelligent and informed I am, how I do not live in a vocabulary box of set phrases. But being able to think is great.

Now fuck off.

Lads need to relax.

Vaccinate & Boost the vulnerable.

Others make your own minds up. Calling it all a cod is just shite talk regardless.

Again, you seem a bit upset that your Internet W was challenged.

You’re going on about impregnating my 8 year old daughter, Oxford, rugby etc, a weird reflex.

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You are the creepy one. I obviously do not have a clue whether you have a daughter – of whatever age. You are not above pretending to have one, though, for rhetorical purposes.

You appear to think you can make what amount to quasi racist slurs with immunity. But you simply do not the wit or quickmindedness or intelligence to deal with being called out on this craic.

apologies in advance Malarkey, but I found this hilarious

and within the same point, you say some of your most used phrases

I dont mind if you call me stupid or a fuckwit like you usually do when someone responds, or you might use your gom phrase again. Or kango. Or ask what is must feel like to be be stupid. Or tell us how intelligent you are

Sorry, its just you probably have the most set list of phrases on here, so I found the above amusing.

anyway, carry on. But I thought your comment on impregnating Tims daughter was an extremely odd thing to say too that came from no where.