Arise, Sir Boris

Wow this is a toughie.

Do we side with the lad who admits he ā€œskimmedā€ through a report or do we go with Mrs @flattythehurdler whoā€™s on the front line in ICU.

a tough choiceā€¦


In the ICU she is in, there are roughly twenty patients.
100% of these are intubated and ventilated.


You should give her tims report for the laugh

Well a quick scan would tell you the numbers soā€¦

Here is a quick article for you to read as well;

I just responded to him saying that it was a scandal he wasnā€™t on one. :man_shrugging:t2:

Sky news :smile:


What about it?

Iā€™ll stop now

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Congrats. Youā€™ve gone full sid


Hes absolutely livid art. Gone stir crazy.

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Heā€™ll need intubating soon :smile:

From my (wo)man in St Thomas

Boris is on CPAP in ICU
Thats where they force air into your lungs but youā€™re still concious. Itā€™s usually a temp setting before full ventilation.

In other words heā€™s a stage up from getting oxygen and half step off being placed on a ventilator

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My wan says that when people go on a ventilator itā€™s very hard to get them off it.

Just a gentle joke. :slightly_smiling_face:


This is exaclty why UK Govt and media had been doing their level best to send the message out all day that he was NOT on a ventilator. If my souce is correct then he probably is by now

@balbec appears to have lost a couple of pounds bless


On that study I referenced above they said there was an 83% of survival if not on a ventilator after 24 hours. 600 odd sample of people who left ICU at that point.

I suppose it depends if they have been lying more about his condition today.

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Nice tattoos too

Ah sure maybe trumps magic pills will sort him out.

Stage 10

Not saying it is the case but it wouldnā€™t apply if you were put in ICU early because you are the PM Iā€™d imagine