Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

Yes, the deal didn’t go to ballot until the 8th May.

Why were a competing entity, not involved in the negotiations given a copy of a confidential contract between the state and the IMO?

Varadkar is completely fucked here.


Varadkar has accepted he leaked the documents.

Clearly wasn’t sent to NAGP

The heads of the agreement were complete. The deal wasn’t finalised until IMO membership voted, they didn’t vote or get doc until after 8th may.

Yes. But many of the screenshots look odd.

My take is that the two of them didn’t have prove of where they came from but shoehorned in things to make it appear as if they did.

The differences in the messages is impossible to explain. Why would one say Clonskeagh and the other Dublin 8? Some of the screenshots are cropped and others aren’t. Why the need for that?

In terms of the story as I know it, I personally don’t see how this really advantages anyone. @artfoley says above that this would make the other organisation seem like they have more of an in with Varadkar, how? The WhatsApp’s themselves say they shouldn’t say where they have come from.

I just don’t see where the advantage lies personally, happy to be corrected on this though.

But how did this advantage anyone? I just don’t see it.

My guess is as a rival organisation that were impacted by this but not a party to it that there was a hell of a lot of curiosity on the details of this.

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As they could seek to undermine the contract and damage the IMO. Why do you think they were all so giddy to get it?

Regardless Varadkar’s conduct is a resignation offence and he will have to go.

So it was a HoA rather than a contract and the terms were agreed pending ratification by IMO members? That’s a bit different to suggesting it was still under substantial negotiation.

Did the NAGP do anything with this apparently precious info that they got handed? If not - why not?

I’m still struggling to see what the benefit of getting this document was other than getting a heads-up. It’s a version of local politicians being told that some grant money or abroad project is coming the way of their constituency - they had no influence over the decision but use it to portray themselves in that way.

Actually Leo’s argument that it was part of an effort to secure the deal, however inappropriately and informally it was done, seems the most plausible.

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Did they seek to undermine it?

And if Leo wanted to undermine it he could have done it far easier being Taoiseach etc. I don’t see why he would want to undermine it though seeing as it was being touted as a political achievement.

Who knows but why were they so giddy to get their hands on it and take it apart?

But Varadkar did leak the document to them when he shouldn’t have.

He’s fucked.

Just reading about it, it’s strange the way that the IMO could negotiate but the NAGP would be “consulted”. Seems a strange thing in practice, we always end up with too many voices at the table in Union negotiations.

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They were GPs and a representative body of GPs so wanted to see what agreement had been reached regarding all GPs.

They got their hands on a leaked document negotiated by a rival body with the state that was not meant for circulation.

Your growth as a poster is encouraging.

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Curiosity? It was a fairly important deal that would impact on all of them.

Has there been any analysis of what was in the Heads that wasn’t in the extensive press release from the IMO in early April? In other words, do we know what was still confidential information?

Shur lads had probably nothing left to read during the first lockdown. I read all my Hardy boy collection again

The agreement is now a matter of public record, it runs to 110 pages, the presser was roughly a page and a half

I’d imagine there’s quite a bit of info that’s left out of the press release

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Meehawl isn’t going to jeopardize the two years at the top of the greasy pole he’s spent his entire career slithering up.

FF are fucked either way. Cowen and Callery will be fairly pissed off though.