Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

Will be a great boost to the city.
Good that it’s in a city center location, will surely become a “must see” for all visiting rugby fans.

And to think people wanted to crush Munster Rugby PLC once upon a time. Where are those people now? Where I ask you?


Where are they putting it? And what the fuck will they house in it? They should think about having a blank canvas/wall and letting the 200,000 that attended the All Blacks game in the 70s sign their name on it.

Good man fair play.

I was just going to comment that there must be 500 different posts in this thread bemoaning the state of o connell st and it’s neglect. The first piece of positive news about the redevelopment of it and all we get is pissing and moaning.


One is moved to Cork and the other fella is locked in his bedroom below in Ballingarry crying into his Bryan Robson pillow


At the corner of Cecil and O’Connell

They will have interactive exhibits I assume like where you put on special glasses and everything spins around as if you’ve been concussed.


Will the walking tour be updated to include it?

We haven’t gone away you know.

I hope the building collapses, killing hundreds.

Based solely on recommendations from this forum I dined at Khing Thai last night, accompanied by my partner. I must say firstly that the food was superb and certainly lived up to the billing. However, everything else about the place was just chaotic.

Firstly on walking up the stairs we opened the door to the lobby which made a big unmistakeable ringing sound, as the door crashed off the chime things overhead which were purposefully left there to alert staff that someone had entered the premises, I assume. In the lobby was a counter, till, menus, a couch etc. We waited there for someone to come but no one was coming for a while. No big deal, I opened the door to the restaurant and stuck my head in. There were a good few customers in there seated but no sign of any staff and I didn’t want to walk to the back of the restaurant looking for a table myself, assuming there was even one free down the back. My partner decided she’d pretend we entered the lobby once more so opened the door again and this time swayed it back and forth rocking the chimes loudly and unmistakeably, I thought, about the restaurant. We waited another short time but again there was no-one from Thailand approaching us.

At this point we decided we’d just open the restaurant door and walk in until we found a member of staff we could approach as we walked through the restaurant passing tables of people eating their dinner. I couldn’t see anyone who seemed to work there when then a Thai chap lounging across a chair at the back of the restaurant spotted me and sort of clicked his fingers at someone and pointed at us. A plump little Thai woman wearing a red Christmas jumper emerged out of a dark corner, approaching us smileing widely and sat us at a table.

The food was great. They gave us a basket of some sort of crisp thing and a sweet chilli dipping sauce and it was smashing. Whilst the restaurant was very full I quickly realised that most of these people weren’t eating anything. There were Thai families with young kids everywhere and they were just casually sort of taking up space, hanging around there. Basically as far as I could ascertain this place is some sort of social club or play area for Thai families living in Limerick city. There were young Thai kids everywhere just running amok about the restaurant. There was one girl in particular who spent most of our meal roaring and shouting at the top of her voice to a local older couple. I learned that her age is 8 but tried my best to drown out the rest of the screaming.

At the end of the meal before we left I decided I needed a piss. The waitresses (two) had both disappeared again at this stage so I realised I’d have to find the bathroom myself. No bother says I as I made my way to the back of the restaurant where most of the Thai parents were seated. I had to run an obstacle course to even get back there as I stepped over a few kids that were just crawling about on the floor playing with toys. Nobody paid me a blind bit of notice. There were darkened corners everywhere back there but I couldn’t see a toilet anywhere and no-one was even looking my way to point me in the right direction. I actually ended up walking into the kitchen in the search for the bathroom. I just gave up and we paid and left.

An interesting experience all in all. The food was great as I say but I’d nearly get a takeaway the next time. I wouldn’t recommend any of ye take a woman there or anyone else you are trying to impress. Equally I don’t think they’d care one iota about my review and they seem to be doing just fine there in their organised chaos.


I think you got very unlucky there mate. I’ve never had an experience like that there. The venue isn’t great alright and it can be very cold in there sometimes, but the food is savage. I’d give it another try.

Where’s that place bud?

Similiar to Julio, I had dinner there on a Friday evening a few weeks back and none of the background issues. Food was spot on. Jacks are back out thru the lobby and upstairs iirc :wink:

It actually sounds like a great experience, if Thai are eating in there you can be sure they’re doing it right.
The food is outstanding, there’s a duck salad called Larb ped that will blow your head off and leave you sweating but it is unbelievably tasty.
It’s all about the grub in Asian places, you’ll rarely have a fine dining experience.
The staff have always been lovely in my experience.

It’s above the Glen Tavern @balbec


I’m not trying to knock it but rather detail my unusual experience. The food was indeed fantastic, and the waitresses very good (when they did arrive). Its a laid back place shall we say. Authentic Thai.

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Your companion going back to the door and then waving it it back and forth across the bell in some sort of passive aggressive demand to be attended upon certainly sounds like an unusual experience alright.

They must have done some looking when he actually mustered up the courage to leave the hall and walk into the restaurant


I reluctantly went to this new place ‘House’ then for a drink afterwards. She assured me that despite my concerns that there would be cunts everywhere that it would be dead quiet as it was a Monday night and I could take a look at it anyway. I wouldn’t normally go to a place like this but you have to give a little to keep the show on the road with a woman, ye know yourselves.

They’ve made a fair job of the interior and I can see why women would like nothing more than to head in there with their friends to cackle away in plush surroundings drinking something with a mini umbrella coming out of it. Doorman opened the door for us, barman took our order and said he’d drop it down to us wherever we were. He came down with my pint on a fancy tray. We were asked a few times by different members of staff if we would like anything else etc. Was all a bit over the top for my liking but fair enough the customer service couldn’t be faulted. Good selection of draught beers too much to my surprise but still and all I won’t be going back again.


She did it in jest, just for a bit of craic. You wouldn’t understand that, mate. We wouldn’t be ignorant enough to just go barrelling into a busy restaurant and seat ourselves.

It sounds like ye have a wonderful relationship