Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Yeah but a regular spud won’t get you 10 likes, pal…


Very true pal, but strangely enough in an Irish household, we rarely have white spuds. :eek:

You’re especially cynical tonight. It just goes to show, you’d be a roaring cunt altogether if you weren’t practicing mindfulness.

You’ll probably get some posters who’ll say that looks fucking disgusting, like something a dog would puke up. Not me though.


Anyone have the link for the granola recipe that was floating about on the old ravenous thread, I’m sick shit of weetabix and porridge and I picked up a lovely granola in Limerick market last Saturday. I’m sure a decent home made one would be even better.

Try this one

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Thanks gents, that was the one moth but the other looks considerably easier, I’ll see what sort of time I have. Might do it later on while I have the urge.

Don’t mention it pal. It’ll be interesting to see which one you go for. The lads with the will to go the extra mile, like @Smark, have used the recipe I posted and put their own twist on it. Short-cutters, like @Mac, will always opt for the convenient route. If there was work in the bed, they’d sleep on the floor.

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That makes it awkward, I’ve been linked with a few factions here in recent days but disowned by them all, do you think this will alienate me further? I might just look for a Donal Skehan recipe :pensive:


Roll with the punches. Everybody that matters likes you.

How are you today, pal? I’ve given the man a very quick and easy recipe - can you not let him give it a go before turning to another of your plagarised recipes?

Would pine nuts be good in granola lads, I’ve got an unopened bag. I have nearly everything without going shopping,(i’d probably come home with new shoes :disappointed_relieved:) looking to add a few extra bits

Go for it.

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Are your recipes all originals yeah? :rollseyes:

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Yes. Yes they are. What’s crawled up your ass this morning?

Fuck sake, don’t ask a question we don’t want an answer to.

No need for your bullying just because @ironmoth posted a better muesli recipe than princess’s one.

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The convenient route would be to buy it in the shop you fucking lepjack.


Echoing similar sentiments that Richie said to Babs below in Thurles after the second drawn game in 2007 - Myself and @ironmoth have a healthy rivalry, and long may it continue.

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