Footix of the Day

That’s not Footix behaviour


Agreed. A panic nomination by the moderator

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He doesn’t know what a footix is.

Classic footix


footix humour?

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If it is it’s quite lame

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Agreed. He hasn’t a foot to stand on

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Naby Lamed.
Naby Je suis malade

More footix Bantz from the Earl of Banterbury

should the Liverpool thread just be the footix thread rather than reposting every post there on this thread?

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Footix is essentially just Liverpool and Man U anyway.


Wouldn’t be fair to label the Oirish Hotspur fans as glory hunters

If you’re a Tottenham Hotspur fan, you’re most assuredly not in it for the glory hunting.

How would you classify a football supporter who switches between a range of clubs including Manchester City, Chelsea, Spurs, Newcastle, Glasgow Celtic, Perth Dingos, Shamrock Rovers, despite none of them being his local club? Asking for a friend…


You just made up the name.of 2 clubs there mate

He’s also a basque who supports Real Madrid.

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Congratulations @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy :clap:

There’s only one thing lower than a footix, that’s the guy who trawls every corner of the internet for footix content.

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